Islam’s Brutalization of Baha’is in
By: Amil Imani
Islam, the “religion of peace,” is anything but peaceful, particularly
when it comes to other religions. To the oppressive Islam, there is no God but
Allah and Muhammad is his Prophet—the seal of the prophets at that.
Grudgingly, Islam
The terrible plight of the Baha’is in
The slaveholder, Islam, finds the
Baha’i Faith a threat to its very existence, since many of the Baha’i teachings
are anathema to that of Islamofascism—the favorite version of Islam. Below is a
brief list that contrasts some of the two beliefs. Beliefs are impetus to
action and when beliefs clash, people clash.
* The chosen people. Muslims believe that they are the chosen people of
God and recognize no other system of belief as legitimate. Baha’is believe that
all people are the chosen people of God—that there is only one God, one
religion of God, and one people of God, the entire human race.
* Progressive Revelation. Muslims contend that Muhammad is the seal of
the Prophets, that God sent his best and final
messenger to mankind, and any other claimant is an imposter worthy of death. Baha’is
believe that God has always sent his emissaries to
educate humanity and shall do so in the future. They believe that Baha’u’llah
is the latest in that line of prophets.
* Independent thinking. Blind imitation and obedience to any authority
is anathema to Baha’is. Baha’is believe that the human
mind and the gift of reason should guide the person in making decisions about
all matters. To this end, they place a premium on education and independent
investigation of truth. Baha’is consider the education of women as important as
that of men, since women are the early teachers of children and can play their
valuable part by being themselves educated. By contrast, Muslims look for to
religious authorities for guidance and often deprive women of education and
independent thinking.
In recognition of the importance of independent thinking, no one is born
Baha’i. Once one is born to a Muslim, he is considered Muslim for life. If he
decides to leave Islam, he is labeled apostate and, apostates are automatically
condemned to death. The slaveholders are intent on keeping all their slaves as
well as their issues. By contrast, every child born in a Baha’i family is
required to make his own independent decision regarding whether or not he
wishes to be a Baha’i. Freedom to choose and independent thinking are cherished
values of the Baha’is, in stark contrast to that of Muslims.
* Harmony of religion and science. Baha’is believe
that truth transcends all boundaries. Scientific and religious truth emanates
from the same universal source. They are like the two sides of the same coin. To
Baha’is, science and religion are as two wings of a bird that enable human
flight toward the summit of its potential; that any religious belief that
contradicts science is superstition. Muslims believe that their religious
dogma, irrespective of its proven falsehood, is superior to that of science. The
Muslims literally believe, for instance, that Muhammad unsheathed his sword and
split the moon in half and many, many more scientifically-untenable views.
* Equality of men and women. Muslims hold the view, expressly stated in
the Quran, that men are rulers over women. Baha’is fully reject
this notion and subscribe to the unconditional equality of the two sexes. This
Baha’i principle emancipates one half of humanity from the status of
subservient domestic to that of a fully participating and self-actualized
human. It undermines the heartless exploitation of women and demands that women
be treated with all due respect under the law.
* Participatory decision-making. Islam, by its very nature, is
patriarchal and authoritarian. Baha’is believe in the value of decision making
through the practice of consultation—a process where everyone, irrespective of
any and all considerations—has a voice in making decisions. This participatory
decision-making principle abrogates a major prerogative of Islamic mullahs who
have been the great beneficiaries of dictating matters to their liking and
advantage. Also, at all levels of society, including the family, all affected
members have the opportunity, even the responsibility, to make their views
known without fear. Baha’i teachings clearly emphasize this commitment to a
democratic decision-making in their scripture, “The shining spark of truth cometh
forth only after the clash of differing opinions.”
* World-embracing outlook. Baha’is love their
native countries, yet extend that same love to the entire planet and its
people. Baha’is believe that love has no limit and
need not have limits. One can love his country and love the world at the same
time. This love of the world is frequently used as a pretense by the
Islamofascists to accuse the Baha’is of Iran as traitors to their own homeland.
It is for this reason that the present mullahs ruling of the Islamic Republic falsely
claim that the Baha’is are agents of the Zionist Israel and its American
* Eradication of prejudice. Prejudice of any type is alien to the Baha'i
Faith and severely undermines its pivotal principle of the oneness of humanity.
Muslims are notorious when it comes to prejudice. Prejudice against others is
thoroughly exploited by the Islamofascist. In contrast, Baha’i scriptures say,
“…again, as to religious, racial, national and political bias: all these
prejudices strike at the very root of human life; one and all they beget
bloodshed, and the ruination of the world. So long as these prejudices survive,
there will be continuous and fearsome wars.”
The above is a short treatment of some of the salient features of the
two belief systems—one dating back some fourteen centuries and one of
relatively recent origin. It is understandable that the intolerant defunct
fascist Islam sees its death in a competing ideology vastly at odds with its
It is of further interest that the same land,
We do not promote religion here. Yet, we feel that there are many
religions practiced throughout the world, with beliefs and practices that are,
by far, more human and humane than Islam.
We also feel for our long-suffering Baha’i compatriots in
Amil Imani is an Iranian-born American citizen and pro-democracy
activist residing in the