Anti-government clashes erupt in southern Iran oil town

Thu. 12 Jan 2006


Iran Focus

Tehran, Iran, Jan. 12 – Angry people clashed with government forces in the southern city of Ahwaz on the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha, local residents told Iran Focus.

Protests began after traditional prayers on the Muslim holy day on Wednesday. Demonstrators from the Arab-dominated city called for the release of political prisoners and began a march from the Shilang-Abad district heading towards Ahwaz Prison.

Agents of the State Security Forces (SSF) attacked the protestors with truncheons, an eye-witness told Iran Focus is an email interview.

The protestors, who chanted anti-government slogans, threw stones at the agents of the SSF in retaliation.

The witness said that police used tear gas in an attempt to disperse the demonstrators.

In the ensuing clashes a number of demonstrators were badly beaten by security forces.

Ahwaz, provincial capital of Khuzistan, is home to Iran’s ethnic Arab population and has been a hotbed of anti-government demonstrations. Throughout the months of April and July, the city was the scene of large-scale clashes between people and government forces.