Iran’s president sees “final war” between Muslims, West Sat. 21 Jan 2006

Iran Focus

Tehran, Iran, Jan. 21 – Hard-line Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told senior leaders of a radical Palestinian group in Damascus on Friday that the Middle East conflict has become “the locus of the final war” between Muslims and the West, Iran’s official news agency, IRNA, reported.

Ahmadinejad, who was speaking on the second day of his two-day trip to
Syria, told the leaders of Hamas, “Today, victory in Palestine has become a matter of life and death for the Islamic world and for Global Arrogance (the West)”.

The Iranian president urged the Palestinians to reject moves such as
Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza.

“Some point to the withdrawal of the occupiers from parts of
Palestine, but this event has already been greatly detrimental to Muslims”, Ahmadinejad said.

“If the occupiers stay on even one inch of Palestinian soil, the goal of Palestine will not be realised”, Ahmadinejad told Hamas leaders, who included Khalid Mash’al, the head of the group’s political bureau.

“We must not let our guard down now for even one moment against the enemies’ plots. Belittling the goal of
Palestine is a great plot that the enemies are after”, he said.

Ahmadinejad has called the Holocaust a “myth” and said that
Israel must be “wiped off the map”.