Clashes erupt in Iran capital after bus drivers’ protest Sat. 28 Jan 2006

Iran Focus

Tehran, Iran, Jan. 28 – Clashes erupted between Iran’s State Security Forces and bus drivers and union activists in the Iranian capital Tehran on Saturday after authorities arrested activists in an attempt to prevent a demonstration that had been planned for the day, local residents told Iran Focus.

Agents of the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS),
Iran’s notorious secret police, raided the homes of bus drivers in Tehran in the early hours of the morning, arresting hundreds of bus union activists and in some cases their relatives as well, one resident reported.

Those arrested have been taken to unknown locations.

Demonstrations began in several locations throughout the Iranian capital from the morning onwards.

Police shot live rounds into the air and fired teargas at the protesters in an attempt to disperse them, an eye-witness who requested anonymity told Iran Focus by telephone.

“Hundreds of armed agents of the State Security Forces were patrolling and attacking the protestors”

“There were also truck loads of etela’aties (MOIS agents) being brought in to arrest bus drivers who refused to work and were protesting”.

The demonstration had originally been planned in protest to
Tehran bus drivers’ insufficient pay and hard working conditions.