Iran threatens to carry out missile strikes on enemies Sat. 28 Jan 2006

Iran Focus

Tehran, Iran, Jan. 28 – Iran threatened on Saturday to strike its enemies with its medium-range missiles if its suspected nuclear weapons facilities came under attack.

“If we come under military attack, we will respond with our very effective missile defence”, the commandant of Iran’s elite Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi, said on state television.

“The world knows that the Islamic Republic has ballistic missiles in its defence arsenal”.

Iran currently has a large arsenal of Shahab-3 missiles that can strike over 2,000 kilometres away from their launch sites, easily reaching arch-nemesis Israel and United States troops in the region.

Safavi said that
Iran was able to produce medium-range missiles indigenously without foreign assistance.

He accused “the occupiers of
Iraq”, in particular British troops in the south, of being behind Tuesday’s twin bombings in the southern Iranian city of Ahwaz which left nine people dead. He warned British and U.S intelligence apparatuses to avoid meddling in Iran’s internal affairs.

During the inauguration of the Revolutionary Guards new air chief, Safavi highlighted Tehran’s ideological influence over neighbouring countries and said that the United States and Israel had reached a “political dead-end” in the Middle East, the state-run ISNA news agency reported.

“The political paths of the countries of the region such as
Iraq and Palestine show that America has reached a political dead-end. The results of Iraq’s parliamentary elections, the victory of Hamas in the [Palestinian elections], and the role of Hezbollah in Lebanon prove this claim to be true”.

“God willing, the 21st century will see the defeat of the
U.S. and the Zionists, and the victory of freedom-seeking nations of the world”.

The IRGC chief warned that
Iran was seeing through “critical days” and “fate-determining years”.

He described the purpose of
Iran’s 1979 Islamic revolution as the “Salvation of Muslims” from the hands of the “oppressive U.S. and Israel”.

“The final goal of the revolution is to create global Islamic rule and a regime of law to be led by the Imam Mahdi”.