EU Parliamentary group says Iran intelligence active in West Thu. 16 Feb 2006

Iran Focus

London, Feb. 16 – A European Parliamentary group accused Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) of being active in the European Union, hours after the European Parliament adopted a resolution condemning Tehran’s suspected nuclear weapons activities its defiance of the international community.

Friends of a Free Iran said that Tehran had “greatly intensified the operations of its terror-propaganda machine, both actively promoting Jihadism as well as under-cover of supposedly ‘anti-terrorism’”.

The group also warned that the MOIS had “massively increased its campaign against its dissidents depicting themselves as ‘terrorism fighters’, with the ultimate view of presenting the Iranian resistance, or Western politicians who sympathise with it, as being the terrorists instead of themselves”.

It said that as part of Tehran’s propaganda campaign, the intelligence ministry was buying formal advertisement space in newspapers like EU-Reporter, using cover names such as “EU Citizen” (a.k.a. Eurocitizen), “halteterreur” (a.ka. “stopterreur”), Centre d'Informations et d'Etudes Géopolitiques (C.I.E.G.), "interlink", or "aawa".

“MOIS is developing a very aggressive campaign that experts on terrorism have been comparing to the last propaganda campaign that the regime developed preceding the launching of its terrorist attacks of the beginning of the nineties”, a statement by the group said on Wednesday.

It added that Tehran was launching satellite networks propagating its message spanning Europe, North America and North Africa with programming both in Farsi and Arabic. Such programs are intended to “awaken Muslims” against Western behaviour.