Iran arrests Azeri political activists - report Mon. 27 Feb 2006

Iran Focus

London, Feb. 27 – Two political activists in Iran’s Azerbaijan Province were arrested for spreading anti-government propaganda leaflets in the north-western town of Ahar, according to local residents.

The two were identified as Javad Hassanpour and Taher Bayani.

Hassan-Pour and Bayani were taken to prison on Saturday by agents of the Ministry of Intelligence and Security, Iran’s dreaded secret police, for distributing leaflets hostile to the Iranian government.

Azeri dissidents told Iran Focus that two Shiite clerics from Azerbaijan Province, who are opposed to the ruling theocracy, were arrested in the holy city of Qom on Saturday. Hojjat-ol-Islam Azimi Qadim and Hojjat-ol-Islam Fat’hollah were nabbed by MOIS agents from their homes. Their families have not been given any information on their fate.