Anti-mullah rap is new hit in Iran Tue. 28 Feb 2006 Iran Focus

Tehran, Iran, Feb. 28 – Rap music is rapidly becoming a popular in Iran and a new CD which mocks the Islamic Republic’s ruling ayatollahs is taking the country by storm.

The latest in the line of music making fun of Iran’s top clerics is an album made by a group called Dalu.

The artists have taken popular rap beats and replaced the lyrics with their own versions, blasting the ayatollahs iron rule, incompetence in economic affairs, and even their unfashionable attire.

Iranian youths, who make up over 70 percent of the total population, have taken a liking to rap music, and the combo of hip beats and anti-mullah lyrics have been turning into a huge hit in Iran’s urban areas.

The music is banned by Iran’s strict cultural vetting body even without the sharp lyrics for being too Western.