Iran arrests International Women’s Day marchers Wed. 08 Mar 2006

Iran Focus

Tehran, Iran, Mar. 08 – Hundreds of women gathered Wednesday afternoon in Tehran’s Laleh Park and took part in a demonstration against the Iranian government on the occasion of International Women’s Day, according to eye-witnesses.

The security forces, which had been on alert to enforce a ban on all gatherings, quickly moved in and within minutes arrested several dozen women, an eye-witness told Iran Focus.

Several women were arrested while taking photographs or filming the demonstration.

The female protestors, who were joined by a number of men supporting their cause, continued to resist attempts by the security agents and the undercover security forces, according to the report.

Many carried placards reading “Women demand freedom and equality” and “End censorship”.

Bystanders came to the aid of the women, some of whom were badly beaten by the agents of the security forces.