Four days of water cuts lead to protests in southwest Iran Thu. 13 Apr 2006

Iran Focus

Tehran, Iran, Apr. 13 – A group of people gathered outside the offices of the water organisation in the south-western town of Masjid Soleiman in protest to four days of continuous cut-off of water supplies, the state-run daily Hamshahri reported on Thursday.

The districts of Chahar-Bisheh, Naftak, Reyl-Vey, Hasht-Bangaleh, Koulershap, Kargeh, as well as the town centre and the main market have all been without water for the past four days, the report said.

Among the protesters was the head of the local hospital who complained that patients were at risk because of the sudden drop in hygiene due to lack of water. “Imagine what a dangerous situation arises when a hospital’s drinking water is cut off for four days”, he said.