Iran says Jews must go back to Europe Mon. 24 Apr 2006

Iran Focus

Tehran, Iran, Apr. 24 – Iran’s radical President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Monday that Jews living in Israel should go back to Europe.

“Let them return to their own lands”, Ahmadinejad told foreign and domestic reporters at a press conference in Tehran.

The hard-line president shocked the international community previously when he called for Israel to be “wiped off the map” and described the Holocaust as a “myth”.

“They say that no one must speak about or research that event. Why shouldn’t they? If it is real, you must allow scientists to research it so that the reality becomes clearer every day. Why do you not allow it?” he said during Monday’s conference.

“You have created a problem in Palestine and must solve it yourselves”, he added.

Ahmadinejad also said that Germany should no longer have to pay war reparations from World War II since more than 60 years had passed since the end of the war. The money was going to a “bunch of Zionists to suppress the Palestinian people”, he added.