Iran’s Ahmadinejad “predator” of press freedom - NGO

Thu. 04 May 2006

Iran Focus

London, May 04 – The international media watchdog Reporters Without Borders (RSF) accused hard-line Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of being a "predator" of press freedoms.

The watchdog, in its 2006 annual report for press freedom, said that the "very exclusive club" of predators of press freedom expanded in 2005 to include Ahmadinejad.

RSF once again described Iran as "the Middle East’s biggest prison for journalists and bloggers". "Threats, interrogation, summonses, arrests, and arbitrary detention are sharply increasing", it said.

"Journalists can often only stay out of prison by paying very high bail. The accession to power of hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has not improved the situation.

"In Iran, prison often means torture as well", it added.

The watchdog said that Iran had "total control" over news within its borders and was among the world’s "most repressive regimes".

The international press freedoms group frequently criticises media censorship and violation of journalists’ rights in Iran.