At least 400 arrested in women’s demo – report

Tue. 13 Jun 2006

Iran Focus

Tehran, Iran, Jun. 13 – At least 400 people were arrested during a peaceful anti-government demonstration by women in Tehran on Monday, according to a statement emailed to Iran Focus by one of the women’s groups that had originally sponsored the protest.

Mohammad Torang, the spokesman for the State Security Forces in the Iranian capital, said on Tuesday that all those arrested during Monday’s protest had been handed over to the Ministry of Intelligence and Security, Iran’s dreaded secret police.

Iran’s Justice Minister Jamal Karimi-Rad said on Tuesday that 70 people had been arrested during the protest. “42 of those arrested were women and 28 were men. They were charged with taking part in an illegal demonstration”, Karimi-Rad said.

Iranian officials routinely play down the scope of anti-government protests and deflate the number of those arrested significantly.

Meanwhile, a hard-line female Majlis deputy claimed on Monday that the female protestors took part in the rally in order to win human rights awards.

“These women gathered out of recreation to sweeten themselves in the eyes of groups and organisations affiliated to the United Nations to win awards”, Eshrat Shayeq told the government-owned website Aftab.

Security forces used truncheons and teargas to attack the several thousand women who had gathered in 7 Tir Square demanding equal rights, sources said.

“Put an end to misogyny”, the women chanted. There were also chants of “freedom, freedom”, “we are human beings but have no rights”, and “we want equal rights”.

Hundreds of young men took part in the rally and clashed with the agents of the SSF.