Angry Iraqis burn down Iran’s consulate in Basra – photos

 Wed. 14 Jun 2006

Iran Focus

London, Jun. 14 – Some 500 angry Iraqis attacked Iran's consulate in the southern Iraqi city of Basra on Wednesday, setting fire to parts of the compound, news wires reported.

One demonstrator climbed up the roof of a building in the compound and hoisted an Iraqi flag, a Reuters cameraman said.

The protest followed a similar one earlier in the week outside the Iranian consulate in the holy city of Karbala.

The participants in both demonstrations were supporters of prominent Iraqi Shiite Ayatollah Mahmoud al-Hassani, an outspoken critic of Iranian meddling in Iraq.

They protested against a program aired on Iran’s state-run satellite channel al-Kowthar against Ayatollah al-Hassani.

Iran has at least seven Arabic-language television stations and more than two dozens journals spreading its propaganda in Iraq.

The following photos of Wednesday’s demonstration were taken by news agencies: