Rights group blasts crackdown on women’s protest in Iran

 Fri. 16 Jun 2006


Iran Focus

London, Jun. 16 – The international human rights groups Amnesty International condemned a crackdown by Iran’s State Security Forces (SSF) on a peaceful demonstration earlier this week by women in Tehran.

“Amnesty International condemns the Iranian security forces' violent disruption of a peaceful demonstration on 12 June by women and men advocating an end to legal discrimination against women in Iran. The demonstrators had gathered in the Seventh of Tir Square in Tehran to call, among other things, for changes in the law to give a woman's testimony in court equal value to that of a man and for married women to be allowed to choose their employment and to travel freely without obtaining the prior permission of their husband”, the rights group said in a statement released on Thursday.

The group said that agents of Iran’s SSF “moved in as soon as the demonstration began and immediately started beating the protestors with batons in order to force them to disperse”.

Amnesty said it had received the names of over 40 women and men reported to be among those arrested.