Police street-parade young man near Iran capital    Fri. 14 Oct 2005


Iran Focus

Karaj, Iran, Oct. 14 – An Iranian youth from the city of Karaj, west of Tehran, was publicly paraded by State Security Forces (SSF) in the city centre for several hours on Tuesday.

The SSF tied the hands of Akbar Samavat to a stick in the shape of a cross and hanged several waterpots around his neck. They also put a pacifier in his mouth.

Police injected him with a high dosage of the drug morphine so that he would not resist.

In a bid to mock and disgrace him, Samavat was paraded between the hours of 10 am and 2 pm in Ferdis district in Karaj. He had been accused of “causing trouble”.

The Iranian authorities frequently parade youths, forced to sit backwards on donkeys, in their local neighborhood so as to embarrass and humiliate them.

Such punishments are often used for petty crimes such as alcohol consumption, disregarding nightly curfews, and disrespect towards security agents.