Iran says several insurgents nabbed in volatile oil province    Tue. 1 Nov 2005


Iran Focus

Tehran, Iran, Nov. 01 – Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security announced on Tuesday that several individuals involved in two bombings in the mainly Arab-populated south-western province of Khuzestan last month had been arrested.

The semi-official Fars news agency quoted a ministry statement as saying that three of those who had a direct role in the bombings admitted to having carried out the attacks to create ethnic divisions.

A string of top government officials, including hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, have hinted at a British government role in the Ahwaz bombings, which followed a spate of popular uprising in the volatile province that left dozens of residents killed or wounded.

Iran has also blamed Canada for a spate of bombings in Ahwaz earlier this year. Tehran has not produced any documents yet to substantiate its charges against London and Ottawa.

Iran’s Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki claimed that Tehran possessed evidence proving that London was behind the twin bombings in the restive city. “The British with new plans and scenarios are aiming to sow division and meddle in the internal affairs of countries in the Middle East”, Mottaki said.

Iran’s state-owned press have called for the Islamic Republic to break off diplomatic ties with London and expel British embassy staff, including the ambassador, Sir Richard Dalton.