Iran signs up suicide bombers on Muslim Eid    Thu. 3 Nov 2005


Iran Focus

Tehran, Iran, Nov. 03 – Radical fanatics are to sign up for suicide operations in central Tehran on Friday, which marks the end of the month of Ramadan, Mehr News Agency, which is run by the office of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, announced on Thursday.

Mohammad-Ali Samadi, the spokesman for the “Headquarters to Commemorate the Martyrs of the Global Muslim Front”, was quoted by the news agency as saying that already 40,000 volunteers for suicide bombing operations have already enlisted to attack targets on the orders of Ayatollah Khamenei.

He said application forms for suicide volunteers to sign up would be distributed at the Imam Khomeini Mausoleum in Tehran on the sidelines of the prayers ceremony marking the end of Ramadan.

Samadi said that the registration process was originally planned for Sunday, but was shifted to be on Eid al-Fetr, the holiest day in Islam. Iran will be marking the occasion on Friday.

The group’s organisers previously said that their targets were three-fold; U.S.-led forces in Iraq, Jews in Israel, and Salman Rushdie, who still has a fatwa against his head issue by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.