Iran’s police use humiliation to punish young men    Sun. 13 Nov 2005


Iran Focus

Tehran, Iran, Nov. 13 – Iran’s para-military policemen paraded seven handcuffed men around for several hours as a way to punish them for “making trouble”, the country’s state-run press reported on Sunday.

The youths, who were paraded on foot in their local residences of Tonkabon, Nashtaroud, Abbas-Abad, and Salman-Shahr, were accused of various crimes including spreading fear in society and “causing trouble”.

The country’s judiciary had sentenced the young men to be paraded and the displays were carried out in the presence of police and local political officials.

Iranian authorities frequently parade youths, forced to sit backwards on donkeys, in their local neighbourhoods so as to embarrass and humiliate them.

Such punishments are often used for petty crimes such as alcohol consumption, disregarding nightly curfews, and disrespect towards security agents.