Demonstrations continue in Iran’s universities    Mon. 28 Nov 2005


Iran Focus

Tehran, Iran, Nov. 28 – Iranian students from a university in the northern town of Babol held a demonstration on campus, a state-run news agency reported on Monday.

The students from Babol Technical University protested on Sunday a suspension of their union’s activities, the news agency ISNA reported.

They also blamed the university’s regulations watchdog for prohibiting their activities by changing their union’s charter.

Several anti-government protests by thousands of students also erupted in the Iranian capital Tehran on Sunday in response to an increasingly harsher government crackdown on campus activists.

In one incident, students at the University of Tehran refused to attend classes in the morning and gathered outside the campus library to demonstrate against the appointment of a cleric as the new chief of the university. Ayatollah Amid Zanjani, a notorious religious prosecutor in the 1980s, was installed on Sunday as the new university chancellor. His predecessor, an academic, expressed surprise at “the unprecedented haste over the transition”.

The students chanted, “Appointed head, resign now!” and “Even if we students die, we will not accept humiliation”.

As protests got heated several students pushed the ayatollah and threw his turban off his head.