Iran cuts off right hand, left foot of prisoner    Tue. 29 Nov 2005


Iran Focus

Tehran, Iran, Nov. 29 – Iran’s Islamic judiciary cut off the right hand and the left foot of a prisoner in the volatile town of Ahwaz, southwest Iran, state-run dailies reported Tuesday.

The individual was identified only as Adel A. and had been charged with armed robbery. An Islamic court in the town of Mahshahr handed down the sentence of amputation of Adel’s right hand and left foot in public.

Iran’s State Supreme Court upheld the sentence, which was carried out inside Karoon Prison in Ahwaz.

Iran’s hard-line judiciary often label anti-government activists as regular criminals.

Ahwaz, the capital of the Arab-dominated province of Khuzestan, has been a hotbed of unremitting anti-government protests since the start of the year.

Dozens of people were reportedly killed in week-long clashes between mainly ethnic Arab protesters and security forces in Ahwaz and several other cities in Khuzistan province in April.

Tehran has accused Britain and Canada of involvement in a series of bombings in the province prior to Iran’s presidential elections in June.

The strategic area holds much of Iran’s oilfields.

Iran’s Islamic penal system regularly practices centuries-old sentences for petty crimes, such as amputation of limbs, eye gouging, stoning to death, and throwing prisoners off a cliff in a sac.