Iran hard-line paper blames student demo on opposition    Tue. 29 Nov 2005


Iran Focus

Tehran, Iran, Nov. 29 – A semi-official Iranian daily accused Iran’s opposition forces on Tuesday of being behind the student demonstrations during the inauguration ceremony of the new chancellor of the University of Tehran on Sunday.

Iran’s hard-line government appointed Ayatollah Amid Zanjani, a cleric notorious for being a religious prosecutor in the 1980s, as the new university chancellor. His predecessor, an academic, expressed surprise at “the unprecedented haste over the transition”.

The ceremony, however, turned into a fiasco as students abandoned classes and held a demonstration during which they threw his turban off his head.

The hard-line daily Kayhan wrote that the protest had been planned in advance by a number of student activists, including a woman tied to the main Iranian opposition group, the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MeK). It identified the woman only by the initials F.H.

During the protest, students chanted, “Appointed head, resign now!” and “Even if we students die, we will not accept humiliation”.

The report added that the activists had decided two days prior to Sunday’s demonstration to disrupt the inauguration ceremony.