Belgian Senate urges EU to remove terror tag on Iran dissidents    Sat. 24 Dec 2005


Iran Focus

Brussels, Dec. 24 – The Belgian Senate adopted unanimously on Friday a resolution urging the European Union to “reconsider” the terror label placed on the main Iranian opposition group Mojahedin-e Khalq (MeK or PMOI).

“In the absence of a precise definition of terrorism, branding Iranian opposition groups as terrorist for their struggle against a regime which is responsible for systematic violations of human rights must be avoided”, the resolution read.

Senators called on the Belgian government to “reconsider the listing of the PMOI as a terrorist organisation” within the framework of the European Union and on the bases of relevant information available.

The resolution also urged the government to “strongly condemn” remarks by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad threatening the existence of the state of Israel and denying the Holocaust as a “myth”, and called for the Belgian ambassador to Tehran to be recalled.

The resolution expressed deep concern over Tehran’s human rights violations, citing public hangings, brutal punishments, arbitrary arrests, physical and psychological torture in prisons, assassination of dissidents, and discrimination against women, persecution of religious and ethnic minorities, and violations of freedom of speech and conscience.

The resolution had been adopted earlier in the day by the Senate Foreign Affaires Committee.

In a statement faxed to news agencies, Iranian opposition leader Maryam Rajavi hailed the resolution as the “voice of Belgian and European people’s conscience”.

“The policy of appeasing the clerical regime in Iran and inclusion of the People’s Mojahedin in the terror list has no legitimacy and is opposed by the peoples of European countries and should be ended”, Rajavi said.