Iran hangs young man in troubled region    Tue. 27 Dec 2005


Iran Focus

Tehran, Iran, Dec. 27 – Iranian authorities hanged a young man in the Kurdish town of Saqqez, a Persian-language opposition website reported on Tuesday.

Hambastegi Meli reported that 23-year-old Farhad Saleh-Pour was hanged in the restive town.

Last week, Iran executed a Kurdish political prisoner who had been jailed since 1996 for allegedly killing an agent of the notorious Ministry of Intelligence and Security.

The man known as Aziz was a Kurdish activist held in Orumieh Prison.

Aziz was originally from a village called Biouran in the western province of Kurdistan.

Kurdistan Province has been a hotbed of anti-government protests and clashes over the past year. Iranian authorities have launched a crackdown in Kurdish areas to quell the unrest.