Internationales Rettungskomitee für IranerInnen Amerlinghaus Stiftgasse Nr. 8 A- 1070 Wien



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برنامه کار کميته نجات

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Dear Mina Ahadi,

  It's reported from Iran that 5 iranian political prisoners are going to be
executed on Jan,19th,2005. this sentence is delayed for one day more due to
strong protest inside the country and on be half of oppositions based mainly
in the U.S.A.
This is an apeal on be half of millions of Iranians to contact Islamic
Republic of Iran leaders to cancel death sentences of the following
political prisoners named below:

1-Farhang Pour-mansori
2-Shahram Pour-mansori
3-Khaled Hardani
4-Saeed masori
5-Alireza karami khairabadi
6-Alireza Hojabri
7-Gholamreza Ghafori

the above prisoners were in jail from 18 years old and now danger of
execution is threatening them. we ask you reflect this report on your
website and forward the message to the top human rights organisations as
quickly as possible to force Islamic goverment to revise this sentence and
at least cancel the execution of the the youth.
To confrim the first 4 famous political and social activists, refer to the
website of europ and US human rights activists on pages
17,34-35 from following website:

check these names with any human rights organisations.


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