Archive for IranSOS

Jailed mother begins hunger strike as husband says she was ‘pushed to spy for Iran’

January 14, 2019-  CNN – By Sheena McKenzie, London (CNN)A British-Iranian woman who has been jailed in Iran since 2016 began a hunger strike Monday in a desperate attempt to receive medical treatment, as her husband said that prison guards had asked her to spy on the UK in return for her freedom.

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British-Iranian woman’s health deteriorates in Iran prison

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates –Jan 14,2019, ABC News -By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS-   The head of the Thomson Reuters Foundation said Monday she’s “sincerely worried” about a detained British-Iranian national going on hunger strike to protest her treatment in the Islamic Republic.

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Iran should realise jailing Nazanin Zaghari‑Ratcliffe harms its security

Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe is not alone, figuratively at least. Her incarceration is part of Iran’s wider war on women’s rights.’ Photograph: Peter Nicholls/Reuters

It is Tehran’s hardline clerics who are endangering the nation, not innocents languishing in the nation’s jails

Jan.11.2019 . Guardian – Simon Tisdall –  

Iran’s merciless persecution of Nazanin Zaghari‑Ratcliffe, the Iranian-British woman held in Tehran’s Evin prison on spurious charges of spying, is deeply disturbing. What possible purpose was served by the airing this week on state television of a video showing her arrest in April 2016, as she prepared to board a plane to London?

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Video of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe’s arrest shown on Iranian state TV

Broadcast comes as part of documentary accusing UK of trying to infiltrate Iran through BBC Persian channel

2019-01-09 -The Guardian – Iranian state TV has for the first time broadcast images of the April 2016 arrest of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe at Tehran airport.

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Iran Has Held U.S. Navy Veteran Since July, Family Says

Michael R. White, an American Navy veteran, in an undated photograph.Creditvia Joanne White

Jan. 7, 2019- The New York Times – By Rick Gladstone –Iran has been holding an American Navy veteran in prison on unspecified charges since late July, when he was seized while visiting an Iranian girlfriend, his mother said Monday.

The imprisonment of the veteran, Michael R. White, 46, from Imperial Beach, Calif., could further complicate relations between the United States and Iran. Tension between the countries worsened substantially after President Trump renounced the nuclear accord with Iran last May and reimposed severe sanctions.

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Judicial Official Announces Order to Block Instagram Less Than a Year After Banning Telegram Messaging App

Judicial Order Tied to Previously Undeclared Policy of App Usage Level

2019-01-04 – Eight months after Iran blocked the country’s most widely used messaging app, Telegram, a deputy prosecutor has announced a judicial order to also filter Instagram due to what he described as over-usage of the social media app.

Instagram had not been blocked as of January 4, 2018, and it is unknown when the order will go into effect.

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Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe to go on hunger strike in Iran prison over lack of medical care

Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe (R) posing for a photograph with her husband Richard and daughter Gabriella (L). CREDIT: AFP

2019-01-03- The Telegraph – Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, the British-Iranian charity worker in prison in Tehran on espionage charges, is to go on a hunger strike in protest at the “inhuman” denial of medical care.

Mrs Zaghari-Ratcliffe, writing from Evin prison, said she intends to go on a three-day hunger strike later this month alongside prominent human rights activist Narges Mohammadi to demand access to a doctor.

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Iran Declares Telegram Crypto Aspirations an Act Against National Security

Jan. 01. 2019 – COINTELEGRAPH – By: Aaron Wood – The Iranian government has taken further steps against Telegram’s cryptocurrency development, the Tehran Times reports Dec. 31.

Secretary of the Criminal Content Definition Task Force Javad Javidnia has declared that any cooperation with the encrypted messaging app to launch its Gram token will be considered an act against national security and a disruption to the national economy. Javidnia stated:

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Iranian mullahs’ lock on power is now shakier than ever

January 1, 2019 – Nwe York Post – By Alireza Nader: A year ago, Iranians poured into their streets to denounce ­Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and call for an end to his brutal ­regime. Protests have continued ­unabated since, though these are smaller in number and less visible to foreign ­media.

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Iran jailed Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe for diplomatic leverage, says Hunt

Foreign secretary decries dual national’s ‘monstrous’ 1,000 days of imprisonment

Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe embraces her daughter Gabriella after her temporary release from prison in August. Photograph: AFP/Getty Images

Fr. 28 Dec. 2018 – Guardien – The foreign secretary, Jeremy Hunt, has accused Iran of using Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, who has been imprisoned for 1,000 days, as a pawn for diplomatic leverage.

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