Archive for IranSOS

SOS Iran application to IRCC

To: International Red cross

Dear Madam/Sir,

Respectfully, the following items are sent to you for information and quick action.

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Charges Carrying Possible Death Sentence Already Being Issued

November 2, 2022 – With mass public trials for protesters recently announced in Iran, and charges already beginning to be issued that could carry a death sentence, it is urgent that the international community forcefully warn the Iranian authorities against leveling death sentences against the protesters, the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI) said in a statement today.

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U.S., World Must Collectively Address State Atrocities Against Peaceful Protesters in Iran

Policy Paper Lays out Specific Actions Biden and Other World Leaders Should Take

October 18, 2022—With security forces in Iran continuing their month-long assault on peaceful protesters, the only way to stop the killing in Iran—which has left more than 200 people dead, including at least 23 children—is international action that imposes meaningful diplomatic costs on the authorities in Iran, according to a new policy briefing released today by the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI).

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Unmarked Vans Rounded Up Dozens of Peaceful Protesters Outside Iranian Bar Association

October 12, 2022 – At least three lawyers were among dozens of individuals who were arrested today outside the Iranian Bar Association in Tehran amid anti-state protests that continued in the capital and several cities throughout the nation, the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI) has been informed.

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Germany, others in EU plan Iran sanctions over protests clampdown

Protesters gather in support of Iranian women and against the death of Mahsa Amini at Callao square in Madrid, Spain, October 1, 2022. REUTERS/Isabel Infantes/File Photo

BERLIN, Oct 3 (Reuters) – Germany, France, Denmark, Spain, Italy and the Czech Republic have submitted 16 proposals for new European Union sanctions against Iran for its violent crackdown on protests over women’s rights, a German foreign ministry source said on Monday.

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Iran protests: riot police use teargas on students at Sharif university

Protests over the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini have continued to intensify in Iran despite crackdowns by the authorities Photograph: Contributor/072019/Getty Images

Unverified social media videos show security forces firing teargas amid reports some students are trapped in campus car park

Mon 3 Oct 2022- Guardian-

Iranian security forces have clashed with students at a prominent university in Tehran, social and state media reported, in the latest sign of a deadly clampdown on nationwide protests that were ignited by the death in custody of a young woman.

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Siamak Namazi allowed to leave Iran prison for a week

Iranian-American citizen, who was convicted of spying, released from detention amid reported talks between Iran and the US on prisoner releases.

2 Oct 2022- Aljazeera- An Iranian-American imprisoned in Iran for nearly seven years on espionage-related charges has been allowed out of Tehran’s Evin prison on a one-week furlough, his lawyer said.

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A Whole Generation Revolts Against the Iranian Regime

From Baghdad to Beirut, Tehran’s opponents are exploring the possibility that a wave of protests might help weaken Iran’s grip on their own countries.

October 2, 2022,- The Atlantic- By Kim Ghattas- “From Beirut to Tehran, one revolution that does not die,” people chanted on the streets of Beirut during a wave of protests against Lebanon’s corrupt politicians in October 2019. It was catchy, it rhymed in Arabic, and it was an expression of a surprising new sense of solidarity among members of a young generation connected across borders.

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Iran riot police clash with students protesting young woman’s death

A police motorcycle burns during a protest over the death of Mahsa Amini, a woman who died after being arrested by the Islamic republic’s “morality police”, in Tehran, Iran September 19, 2022. WANA (West Asia News Agency) via REUTERS

DUBAI, Oct 2 (Reuters) – By Parisa Hafezi –  Iranian security forces clashed with students at a prominent university in Tehran on Sunday, social and state media reported, in the latest sign of a deadly clampdown on nationwide protests that were ignited by the death in custody of a young woman.

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Joint Statement: U.S. Treasury’s New General License D2 Advances Internet Freedom in Iran

Now Companies Must Make Tech Products Available and U.S. Government Must Encourage Them

September 26, 2022—Today, the Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA) and the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI) welcomed an announcement by the U.S. Department of Treasury of the issuance of Iran General License (GL) D-2, which updates and expands existing exemptions under U.S. sanctions to increase support for Internet freedom in Iran. The new license follows years of advocacy by both organizations.

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