Archive for Human Rights

Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe to go on hunger strike in Iran prison over lack of medical care

Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe (R) posing for a photograph with her husband Richard and daughter Gabriella (L). CREDIT: AFP

2019-01-03- The Telegraph – Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, the British-Iranian charity worker in prison in Tehran on espionage charges, is to go on a hunger strike in protest at the “inhuman” denial of medical care.

Mrs Zaghari-Ratcliffe, writing from Evin prison, said she intends to go on a three-day hunger strike later this month alongside prominent human rights activist Narges Mohammadi to demand access to a doctor.

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Why Did Telegram Warn Users That Iranian Versions of the Telegram App—Talaeii and Hotgram—Are “Unsafe”?

Iranian Client Apps Are Violating Telegram’s Terms of Service by Failing to Protect User Data

December 17, 2018 – In response to a rising chorus of concerns by internet security experts, Telegram, the widely used instant messaging app, has issued a warning to users of the Iranian-made versions of Telegram (known as “client apps”), Telegram Talaeii and Hotgram, which reportedly have 30 million users between them, that the apps are “unsafe.”

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Iran Must Address Crisis of Unpaid Wages, NotProsecute People Who Demand Their Pay

15 Petrochemical Workers Sentenced to Prison, Flogging for Protesting Unpaid Wages in Latest Ruling

Unpaid Wages Violates Iranian Law,Flogging Violates International Law

December 13, 2018—In yet another ruling punishing workers for peacefully demanding payment for work done, fifteen petrochemical workers in Ilam, southwest Iran, have been issued prison and flogging sentences for protesting unpaid wages and the firing of their colleagues who demanded payment.

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EuropeanParliament Calls on Iran to “Unconditionally” Release Rights Lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh

December 14, 2018 — Adding its voice to an increasingly international call, the European Parliament has overwhelmingly passed a motion urging the Iranian authorities to “immediately and unconditionally release” prominent human rights attorney Nasrin Sotoudeh.

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Iran sentences three human rights lawyers to prison, reports say

Trio face lengthy terms for opposing the ruling system amidaccusations of ‘propaganda’

12.11.2018- The Guardian  – Iran has sentenced two human rights lawyers to six years inprison and a third to 13 years, according to newspaper reports.

The Armandaily said Ghasem Sholeh-Saadi and Arash Keikhosravi were sentenced to fiveyears in prison for taking part in an “illegal gathering” and one year for“propaganda” against the ruling system. It added that they could appeal againstthe verdict.

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Activists Welcome FIFA Deadline For Iran to Lift Discriminatory Ban on Women in Stadiums

November 27, 2018 – Heeding calls by women’s rights activists inside and outside Iran, governing football body FIFA has been urged in a new report by its advisory board to give the Islamic Republic a deadline to lift its ban on women in football stadiums.

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Iran: Conditional release of Abdolfattah Soltani!

The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint partnership of FIDH and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), has received new information and requests your urgent intervention in the following situation in Iran.

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Iran Must Pass Legislation to Protect Women Against Violence

Bill Languishing for Years, While Women Are Abused with Impunity

November 23, 2018—The Iranian authorities must bring legislation protecting women from domestic violence that has been languishing for years to parliament and ratify it so that Iranian women can have the protections against domestic violence required under international law, the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI) said today.

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Iran’s Execution of Two Traders Convicted in Iran’s New Corruption Courts Is Unlawful

Vahid Mazloumin and Mohammad Esmail Ghassem Both Hanged at Dawn Despite Denials of Due Process and the Right to a Fair Trial

November 14, 2018—The hanging today of two individuals who were convicted of economic crimes in Iran’s new corruption courts is unlawful and inhumane, as these courts deny due process and do not allow for fair trials, the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI) said today.

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Forced Psychiatric Hospitalization Cannot Become New Means of Silencing Dissent in Iran

Teachers’ Rights Activist, Held Against His Will at Psychiatric Hospital in Iran and Forcibly Given Medications, Must Be Released Immediately

November 6, 2018—The Iranian government should immediately release teachers’ rights activist Hashem Khastar from the psychiatric facility where he has been forcibly and unlawfully held, the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI) said in a statement today.

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