Archive for Human Rights

Four Deaths in State Custody in Iran in Two Months Heighten Grave Concerns for Detainees

Mohammad Raji

March 6, 2018—The recent death of a devotee of Iran’s largest Sufi order in Tehran marks the fourth known death of a detainee in state custody in Iran in two months.

“It’s outrageous that detainees in Iran keep dying in state custody,” said Hadi Ghaemi, executive director of the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI).

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U.N. rights investigator decries Iran clampdown, torture, floggings

03.05.2018 – Reuters – Stephanie Nebehay – GENEVA (Reuters) – Iran has arrested activists and political opponents in a clampdown on freedom of expression as use of torture continues despite promises of reform, a United Nations report said on Monday.

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Life of Iranian-American in Evin Prison is in Danger, Says Family

Wife and Son of Karan Vafadari Fear For His Life After Suspicious Deaths in Prison

March 1, 2018—The son of Iranian-American Karan Vafadari, who is imprisoned in Tehran’s Evin Prison, said his stepmother, Afarin Neyssari, also imprisoned in Iran, fears for her husband’s life after officials claimed without any evidence that two previous detainee deaths in January 2018 were suicides.

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45 European MPs Call on EU Foreign Policy Chief to Support Iranian Women’s Anti-Compulsory-Hijab Protest

February 28, 2018—Forty-five members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have sent an open letter to EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini urging her to call on Iranian officials to immediately release the women who have been arrested for participating in the recent anti-compulsory-hijab protests in Iran.

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Iran Seals Its Egregious Rights Record With Toxic Pick For Top Spot on Human Rights Council​

Selection of Avaei Shows Culture of Impunity For Human Rights Violators Will Continue in Iran

February 27, 2018—The Iranian government’s decision to name Minister of Justice Seyyed Alireza Avaei as its representative to the United Nations Human Rights Council—a man with an appalling human rights record that spans decades—reflects the Iranian government’s complete disregard for human rights violations.

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An Iranian Photographer’s Unflinching Look at His Country’s Revolution

A group of women protesting against wearing the Islamic veil, while waving their veils in the air outside the office of the prime minister in Tehran, Iran, in March 1979.

Kaveh Kazemi’s images of the Iranian revolution and its aftermath reveal the country’s transition from a different era, and a contrast with its social upheaval today.  

Feb. 12, 2018 -The New York Times- By Thomas Erdbrink – The image is one erased from official Iranian history books. Two women, both unveiled, have just been detained by Islamic volunteers with automatic rifles slung on their shoulders. The Iranian photographer Kaveh Kazemi, 28 at the time, followed the women walking home after they had participated in a protest against the introduction of the compulsory veil. Dressed in denim, so fashionable at the time, they are escorted away.

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Clear Signs of State Cover-Up in Prison Death of Iranian-Canadian Academic in Iran​

Distraught Family Under Enormous Pressure to Bury Body Quickly and Not Speak Publicly About the Death

February 12, 2018—The family of the Iranian-Canadian academic, Kavous Seyed-Emami, whose death in custody in Iran was announced on February 9, is under intense pressure to immediately bury Seyed-Emami in a private funeral—without receiving any independent and medically corroborated information on the cause of his death—and to remain silent regarding the death.

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Iranian-American Denounces 27-Year “Unjust” Prison Sentence in Letter From Prison

January 31, 2018–In a letter from Evin Prison obtained by the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI), Iranian-American dual national Karan Vafadari has denounced the “unjust and tyrannical” 27-year prison sentence he was issued in Tehran along with his Iranian wife, Afarin Neyssari, who was sentenced to 16 years in prison.

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Iran Should Launch Independent Investigation of Deaths of Two Protesters in Prison

“They arrested him and then they beat and killed him. Now they want to destroy his reputation.”

January 11, 2018—CHRI – Iran should launch an independent investigation of the cases of two detainees who died in custody, allegedly by suicide, after being arrested during the recent protests in Iran. The results of the investigations should be shared with the public at every stage of the process with full transparency.

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Internet Cut-Off During Recent Unrest in Iran Reveals Tehran’s New Cyber Capabilities

January 10, 2018—The recent unrest in Iran—during which the authorities disrupted Iranians’ access to the internet and blocked major social media networks used by the protesters—demonstrates that the Iranian government’s decade-long effort to control the internet in Iran is being realized.

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