Archive for Human Rights

Saudi Arabia says it detained three Iranian Revolutionary Guards

Mon Jun 19, 2017 – Reuters – The Saudi navy has detained three members of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) from a boat seized on Friday evening as it approached the kingdom’s offshore Marjan oilfield, a Saudi Information Ministry statement said on Monday.

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Iran bans Zumba, and its fans fume

Zumba, an aerobics dance class, has attracted a wide following. Iran has banned Zumba but in practice such activities are tolerated if they occur semi-hidden. (EMILY BERL/NYT)

June 17, 2017 – The Seattle Times – By Thomas ErdbrinkThe New York Times

TEHRAN, Iran — To those Iranians shaking their hips and backsides to Latin American music during Zumba exercise classes, Iran’s Muslim clerics — and a U.S. company — have the same message: Stop it. It’s illegal.

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Barbaric Terrorist Attacks No Excuse For Further Crackdowns on Civil Liberties

June 7, 2017—The Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI) strongly condemns the terrorist attacks in Tehran on June 7 that took the lives of at least 13 people and left 41 people injured. While addressing the people’s legitimate security concerns, we urge the Iranian authorities to avoid violating the citizenry’s civil and political rights.

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Iran says London attacks ‘wake up call’, urges uprooting terrorism sources

Sun Jun 4, 2017 – REUTERS – Iran said on Sunday the London attacks were a “wake-up call” and urged Western states to go after ideological and financial sources of terrorism, state media reported, in a thinly veiled reference to Saudi Arabia.

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After Iranians’ vote for reform, a bigger question looms: Who will be the next supreme leader?

The agenda of newly reelected Iranian President Hassan Rouhani could hinge on the process to replace the ailing Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, pictured. (Vahid Salemi / Associated Press)

Los Angeles Times – June O3. 2017 – By Shashank Bengali and Ramin Mostaghim Contact Reporter – After President Hassan Rouhani’s decisive reelection, talk in Iran has turned to the future of an even larger political figure: Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

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C.I.A. Names the ‘Dark Prince’ to Run Iran Operations, Signaling a Tougher Stance


Iranian voters in the city of Qom, south of Tehran, last month in the country’s first presidential election since its nuclear deal with world powers. CreditMajid Saeedi/Getty Images

The New York Times- June 02.2017 – WASHINGTON — He is known as the Dark Prince or Ayatollah Mike, nicknames he earned as the Central Intelligence Agency officer who oversaw the hunt for Osama bin Laden and the American drone strike campaign that killed thousands of Islamist militants and hundreds of civilians.

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Iran top leader: Troublemakers in election will be ‘slapped’

Ali Khamenei

Abc News – By NASSER KARIMI AND JON GAMBRELL, ASSOCIATED PRESS – TEHRAN, Iran —Iran’s supreme leader warned Wednesday that anyone trying to foment unrest around the upcoming presidential election “will definitely be slapped in the face” — a sign authorities want to avoid a repetition of the violence that followed the country’s disputed 2009 poll.

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Iran election’s theatrics, frank discourse push boundaries

FILE — In this Tuesday, May 9, 2017 file photo, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, center, waves to his supporters accompanied by Vice President for Women and Family Affairs Shahindokht Molaverdi, left, at a campaign rally for the May 19 presidential election, in Tehran, Iran. From a former president disobeying the supreme leader to open discussion of a 1980s mass execution, Iran’s presidential election is pushing the boundaries of what can be discussed and done there, a small but noticeable shift in the country’s clerically overseen polls. (Vahid Salemi, File/Associated Press)

By Jon Gamberell -The Washington Post – AP May 10. 2017 – DUBAI, United Arab Emirates From a former president disobeying the supreme leader to open discussion of a 1980s mass execution, Iran’s presidential election is pushing the boundaries of what can be discussed in public and done online, a small but noticeable shift in the country’s clerically overseen polls.

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An Interview with Scholar and Historian Ervand Abrahamian on the Islamic Republic’s “Greatest Crime”


Scholar and Historian Ervand Abrahamian

10.Mai 2017 –  Presidential Hopeful Ebrahim Raisi Served on Committee That Ordered Executions of Thousands

The executions of thousands of political prisoners in Iran in 1988 has received renewed attention due to the presidential election coming up on May 19, in which one of the candidates—Ebrahim Raisi—was a member of the committee that ordered the killings.

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“Respect international law” – UN experts urge Iran to stop executions of two men sentenced to death as children

OHCHR- GENEVA (28 April 2017) – Iran must abide by its obligations under international human rights law and stop carrying out death sentences passed on persons who committed offences when children, say a group of United Nations rights experts* calling for an immediate halt to the execution of two persons, who were sentenced when they were both under 18.

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