Archive for Human Rights

Unjustly Imprisoned Young Physicist Granted Conditional Release After Five Year



August 29, 2016–Imprisoned Iranian scientist Omid Kokabee, who spent more than five years in Evin Prison for refusing to work on Iran’s military projects, was granted conditional release on August 29, 2016. Kokabee, currently on medical leave, was diagnosed with kidney cancer this past April after years of being denied proper medical treatment by prison authorities.

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Iran hangs 20 over ‘armed attacks’

4 August 2016 – BBC – Iran has hanged up to 20 Sunni Muslim prisoners it says were involved in armed attacks. State media said the group was executed on Tuesday, and was responsible for killing women and children between 2009 and 2011.

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Iran: Urgent intervention required to stop 3 August execution of juvenile

Open letter to UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Mr. Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein

Paris-Geneva, 1 August 2016

Dear Mr. High Commissioner,

I am writing to request your urgent intervention in the case of Alireza Tajiki, whose execution has been scheduled for Wednesday 3 August 2016. The authorities have asked his family to visit him for the last time.

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Joint statement by FIDH member organisations, İHD and HRFT, on the coup attempt in Turkey

18. July 2016 – We are against any kind of coup d’Etat, attempt to stage coup d’Etat, and anti-democratic practices and defend real civil democratic life and respect for human rights …

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Commentary: Iran’s Hard-Liners Crack Down as Their Base of Support Narrows

07.12.2016 – Commentary By Hadi Ghaemi: There is a crackdown underway in Iran. But it is no longer just a crackdown on dissent. Rather it is an attempt to crush views or expressions that depart from the insular and rigid worldview of an increasingly small band of hard-liners.

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New Report: Inside the Women’s Ward: Mistreatment of Women Political Prisoners at Iran’s Evin Prison

Lack of Medical Care, Denied Family Visitation, Substandard Food, among Conditions in Ward

June 20, 2016—Political prisoners held in the Women’s Ward at Iran’s Evin Prison are routinely denied medical care and hospitalization, face severely restricted or denied visitation rights even with their young children, are deprived of regular telephone contact with their families, and are not provided adequate nutrition, according to a report released today by the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran.

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Arbitrarily arrested Iranian-Canadian-Irish academic Homa Hoodfar must be released immediately

Homa Hoodfar

Paris, 16 June 2016 – The Iranian authorities have been increasingly arresting Iranians with foreign passports on obscure politically-motivated grounds. The accomplished Iranian-Canadian-Irish academic Dr. Homa Hoodfar is the latest to suffer this fate.

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UN Body Calls for Immediate Release of Bahareh Hedayat

Iranian women’s rights activist and human rights defender, Bahareh Hedayat

June 15, 2016—The United Nation’s Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) has issued an opinion on the case of the Iranian women’s rights activist and human rights defender, Bahareh Hedayat, demanding her immediate release. The opinion ruled Hedayat’s imprisonment since 2009 is arbitrary and against international law.

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New Video: Time for Anti-Baha’i Discrimination To End In Iran

State Officials Launch New Wave of Verbal Attacks after Former President’s Daughter Visits Baha’i PrisonerJune 7, 2016—The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran and Impact Iran released an animated video today calling for an end to the discrimination and incitement to hatred against members of the Baha’i faith in Iran.

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The European Union’s lists of “safe countries”: a denial of the right of asylum

Mai 08.2016 On 30 May 2016, the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) of the European Parliament will discuss the proposed amendments to the proposal for a regulation by the European Commission in September 2015 for the purpose of establishing an EU common list of “safe countries of origin”. Such a labelling implies that there should be, in principle no risk of persecution for asylum seekers and that the rule of law is respected in those countries.

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