Archive for Human Rights

‘Morality Police’ Formed in Iran

Monday 25 April 2016-VOA- Iran has a new “morality police” unit to observe its citizens.
Tehran’s police chief Hossein Sajedinia said the 7,000 officers – male and female – will make sure women follow Islamic dress codes. They will also stop dangerous driving and noise pollution, he said. Some in Iran consider popular music to be a form of noise pollution.

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Iran jails French-Iranian woman who came back to visit sick mother

Nazak Afshar was arrested on arrival at Tehran airport. Photograph: Morteza Nikoubazl/Reuters

Monday 25 April 2016- theguardian- Nazak Afshar had been living in France since being charged with spying in 2009 and freed after French intervention
A French-Iranian citizen who left Iran in 2009 after facing espionage charges has been sentenced to six years in jail following her return to the country to visit her critically ill mother.

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FIDH President calls for attention to the plight of Iranian prisoners of conscience

22-04-2016-FIDH- Letter addressed to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
 Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein
Mr. High Commissioner,
I am writing to request your urgent attention to the plight of Iranian prisoners of conscience and political prisoners, and in particular prisoners who are denied proper medical treatment.

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6-year-old Afghan girl’s murder puts spotlight on history of discrimination and abuse in Iran

Demonstrations on behalf of Setayesh were held in several Afghan cities. (Ghulam Reza Mohammadi)

21.04.2016 – Los Angeles Times- By Ali M. Latifi and Ramin Mostaghim – On the last day of her short life, Setayesh Qoreishi – a 6-year-old Afghan refugee – stepped out of her family’s home in the Tehran suburbs to buy an ice cream. She didn’t return.

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What it really is? FIDH exposes the ugly truth behind cynical EU-Turkey deal

18.04.2016 – FIDH – On 18 April 2015, a vessel capsized off the Libyan coast with around 850 migrants aboard, only 28 are known to have survived. If this shipwreck is the deadliest the UN Refugee agency (UNHCR) has recorded in the Mediterranean, it was only one in a long series.

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Iran: UN rights chief calls for end to executions for drug offences

Heroin seizures in Iran. Photo: UNODC

14.04.2016 – UN News Centre- The United Nations human rights chief today appealed to Iran to halt executions for drug offences until the new Parliament debates a proposed law that would remove the mandatory death penalty for drug crimes.

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Lawyer Released from Prison in Iran Describes Grim Conditions for Political Prisoners

Mohammad Seifzadeh, the prominent Iranian human rights lawyer

April 14, 2016— Prisoners Face Denial of Medical Care, Refusal to Transfer Inmates to Hospital despite Life Threatening Illness, Solitary Confinement Aimed at Extracting False Confessions, Poor Nutrition, Denial of Family Visits

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Iran: Further Information: Narges Mohammadi’s trial date set for 20 April

By Amnesty International, 4 April 2016, Iranian human rights defender and prisoner of conscience, Narges Mohammadi, has been informed that her court hearing is scheduled on 20 April. She has not been allowed to make any contact with her children for over eight months. She remains critically ill.

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8 March: Being born a girl means clearing a lot of hurdles

03.08.2016 – All throughout their lives, women and girls must face various types of discrimination that greatly compromise their future prospects. During this International Women’s Rights Day, FIDH will be highlighting this sad fact in a video made by Agence Babel, with the voice of American film maker Randa Haines. FIDH reminds us that the struggle is not just for a day, and calls for actions to continue daily so that women’s rights can progress.

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Call for Prime Minister Trudeau to Secure Release of Imprisoned Iranian-Canadian

Saeed Malekpour

February 1, 2016—Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau should extend all efforts to obtain the release of Saeed Malekpour, a Canadian resident and web develop imprisoned in Iran since 2008 on false charges, three prominent human rights campaigners wrote in a letter to the Prime Minister on January 29, 2016.

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