Archive for Human Rights

Rouhani in France: no business with Iran at the expense of human rights

25/01/2016 (Paris) Human rights must be at the centre of discussions between Hollande and Rohani during their meeting in Paris this week. In an open letter addressed today to the French President, our organisations urge François Hollande not to ignore human rights in favour of closer economic ties between France and Iran.

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Release of Iranian Americans Welcomed, Time to Release All Political Prisoners 

Release of Iranian Americans Welcomed, Time to Release All Political Prisoners
Steps Towards Reconciliation with the West Are Good but Iran Needs National Reconciliation As Well

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In the face of terrorism, ensuring security for all requires rigorous respect for freedoms and consistent policies

21.11.2015 – (Paris) In recent days, appalling acts of terrorism have been carried out notably in Egypt, Turkey, Lebanon and France, affecting civilian victims of many different nationalities. FIDH and its member organisations have voiced their immense distress, condemned these barbaric and cowardly crimes and expressed their condolences to the victims’ families. At the same time, they have drawn on tragic and countless lessons learned from their lengthy experience to warn of the potentially dramatic consequences of ramping up security.

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Largest Wave of Arrests by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Since 2009 

Judiciary Denies Knowledge of 170 Recent Arrests
November 19, 2015—The recently announced arrests of 170 people in Qazvin Province, a number of others in Gilan Province, and five journalists in Tehran, all by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Intelligence Organization, amounts to the largest crackdown since the violent state suppression of the protests that followed the disputed 2009 presidential election in Iran.

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Iran: End Ban on Women at Volleyball Matches

Volleyball Federation’s Tolerance of Exclusion Brings ‘Shame to the Game’
(New York) – Iran should stop preventing women and girls from attending volleyball matches and take further steps to promote gender equality, Human Rights Watch said in opening a digital advocacy campaign to promote respect for women’s rights in the country.
The campaign coincides with the International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) Men’s Club World Championship in Brazil, from October 27 to November 1, 2015, and the FIVB’s decision to award Iran hosting rights for the February 2016 FIVB beach volleyball tournament.

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Iran: End Ban on Women at Volleyball Matches

Volleyball Federation’s Tolerance of Exclusion Brings ‘Shame to the Game’

(New York, October 29, 2015) –Iran should stop preventing women and girls from attending volleyball matches and take further steps to promote gender equality, Human Rights Watch said today, opening a digital advocacy campaign to promote respect for women’s rights in the country.

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Ellison Calls for Immediate Release of Washington Post Reporter Jason Rezaian 

Jason Rezaian

October 28, 2015—The US Congressional Representative from Minnesota, Keith Ellison, called today in a video message for the “unconditional release of Jason Rezaian.” “I call on the Iranian government to recognize that the truth should never be a crime, and Rezaian must be released immediately,” said Congressman Ellison, in an exclusive video by the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran.

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U.N. Rights Investigator Highly Critical of Iran

OCT. 27, 2015 – By RICK GLADSTONE – The special United Nations investigator of human rights in Iran presented a highly critical report on Tuesday that contradicted the Tehran government’s own assessment, describing a record rate of executions, a deeply flawed judiciary and repression of journalists, dissidents, women and freedom of expression.

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Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran – Note by the Secretary-General*

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

Summary – The Secretary-General has the honour to transmit the fifth report on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran submitted by the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran to the General Assembly in accordance with Human Rights Council resolution 28/21.

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Narges Mohammadi Should Be Released Immediately and Given Medical Treatment

Narges Mohammadi

October 20, 2015 – The health of imprisoned activist Narges Mohammadi has deteriorated, and the prominent human rights defender is now reportedly chained to a hospital bed, denied proper medical treatment for a worsening neurological condition, and prevented from normal family visitation.

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