Archive for Human Rights

Iran: The cruel & inhuman treatment of Ms. Nargess Mohammadi must stop

Nargess Mohammadi

19.10.2015 – (Geneva-Paris) The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), strongly denounces the cruel and inhuman treatment of the arbitrarily imprisoned human rights defender Ms. Nargess Mohammadi in Iran.

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Washington Post Reporter Jason Rezaian Convicted on Baseless Charges

October 12, 2015—Jason Rezaian, the Washington Post correspondent imprisoned in Iran since July 22, 2014, has been convicted by a Tehran court in a prosecution and trial marked by the blatant denial of due process at every stage.

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Situation of human rights in Islamic Republic of Iran

Report of the Secretary-General
The report is submitted in accordance with General
Assembly resolution
69/190, in which the Assembly requested the Secretary

General to report to it at its seventieth session on the progress made in the implementation of the resolution.
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National Dialogue Quartet in Tunisia 2015 Peace Nobel Prize: MABROUK !!!

09.10.2015 – The Tunisian League for Human Rights, FIDH member organisation in Tunisia, alongside the Tunisian bar, UGTT and UTICA : 2015 Nobel Peace Prize.
FIDH warmly welcomes this international recognition of the Quartet and the Tunisians’ essential struggle for democracy, fundamental freedoms, dignity and justice.

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Case against Rezaian Will Be Built on Little More than Forced “Confession”

Jason Rezaian

Iranian Judiciary Has Long History of Relying on False “Confessions” Extracted Under Duress 

October 6, 2015 – Two months after the end of the trial of Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian, imprisoned in Iran since July 2014, it is increasingly apparent that the Iranian Judiciary’s prosecution of Rezaian will rely on little more than a forced false “confession.”

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Amnesty international: URGENT ACTION

Arash Sadeghi and his wife, Golrokh Ebrahimi Iraee

Former student activist Arash Sadeghi and his wife, Golrokh Ebrahimi Iraee, have been sentenced to imprisonment on national security charges following grossly unfair trials. They have appealed their sentences .Arash Sadeghi, a former student activist, was informed in August 2015 that he had been sentenced by Branch 15 of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran to 15 years’ imprisonment on charges including “spreading propaganda against the system”, “gathering and colluding against national security” and “insulting the founder of the Islamic Republic.”
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Europe’s shame: EU meeting of interior ministers fails to make any progress in dealing with Europe’s refugee crisis

16 September 2015 – EU Interior Ministers meeting in Brussels on Monday failed to address the urgent needs of Europe’s refugee crisis. They were unable to agree on a proposal for the relocation of 120,000 refugees from Greece, Italy and Hungary, falling back on an agreement made in June for a temporary and exceptional mechanism to relocate 40,000 people over two years.

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Imprisoned Labor Activist Dies of Stroke after Being Denied Medical Care

Labor activist Shahrokh Zamani

Authorities Routinely Refuse Medical Treatment to Political Prisoners
September 16, 2015 – Labor activist Shahrokh Zamani died of a stroke on September 13, 2015, at Rajaee Shahr Prison in the Iranian city of Karaj, days after prison authorities refused him medical treatment.

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Khamenei Consolidates Power over Internet Policy in Hard Line Council He Controls

Move Cuts Rouhani Administration Out of Decisions on Internet Access

September 14, 2015—Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, has announced that authority for Internet policy will be exclusively centered in the country’s Supreme Cyberspace Council, a move that will consolidate decision-making power over the Internet into an organization the hardline cleric controls.

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“The Syrian people are one”

08.September 2015 – An op-ed co-signed by Karim Lahidji, the Arab Reform Initiative, and several Syrian NGOs published on the occasion of an international conference organised by the French Foreign Ministry on the protection of victims of ethnic or religious violence in the Middle East.

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