Archive for Human Rights

Prominent Women’s Rights Activist Held Illegally after Completion of Sentence

August 28, 2015—The student and women’s rights activist Bahareh Hedayat, imprisoned for over five years in Iran, has been given an additional two-year prison sentence, days after receiving release orders from an Appeals Court in Tehran.

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Fabrication in Iranian Reports on Wall Street Journal Reporter Exposed

Farnaz Fassihi

August 20, 2015 – After a week of attacks by the hardline Iranian newspaper Kayhan against Wall Street Journal reporter Farnaz Fassihi, the American newspaper issued a statement condemning the allegations as “completely false, outlandish and irresponsible.”

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Rezaian and Other Iranian-American Prisoners Held on Sham Charges Should Be Released

Iranian-American prisoners, Jason Rezaian, Saeed Abedini, and Amir Mirzaei Hekmati,

August 10, 2015—The Rouhani administration should immediately secure the release of three Iranian-American prisoners, Jason Rezaian, Saeed Abedini, and Amir Mirzaei Hekmati, who are being held on politically motived charges, said the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran today.

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Pursue Human Rights in Iran with the Same Vigor as the Nuclear Accord

July 17, 2015 – by Hadi Ghaemi – The nuclear accord reached this week between Iran and the P5+1 countries represents a resounding victory for diplomacy and peace. It was achieved only through unrelenting determination borne from a realization that the benefits of an accord far outweighed those of any alternative.

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Amnesty International: Iran Report 2014/15

Mo. 07.13.2015 – Amnesty International – Islamic Republic of Iran
Head of state: Ayatollah Sayed ‘Ali Khamenei (Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran)
Head of government: Hassan Rouhani (President)
The authorities restricted freedoms of expression, association and assembly, arresting, detaining and prosecuting in unfair trials minority and women’s rights activists, journalists, human rights defenders and others who voiced dissent.

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The Observatory strongly condemns ongoing judicial harassment of Ms. Nargess Mohammadi

07.10.2015 – The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), expresses its grave concerns regarding the pressures exerted on the arbitrarily imprisoned human rights defender Ms. Nargess Mohammadi in Iran.

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Iran human rights abuses of women, children worsen amid Obama nuclear talks

Iran executed at least 289 people in 2014, according to Amnesty International, making the Islamic republic the world’s second most prolific practitioner of capital punishment. Women and children in Iran also struggle under harsh, discriminatory laws despite numerous calls for reform from human rights groups and the international community. (Associated Press)

Sunday, June 28, 2015 – The Washington Times – By Kellan Howell – As the U.S. and its world partners race to reach a nuclear deal with Iran, women and children in the Islamic republic struggle under harsh, discriminatory laws despite numerous calls for reform from human rights groups and the international community.

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Jason Rezaian’s Life in Iranian Prison Is ‘Ever More Difficult’

Jason Rezaian

JUNE 25, 2015 – The New York Times – By RICK GLADSTONE – Jason Rezaian, the Washington Post reporter incarcerated in Iran for nearly a year, is finding prison life “ever more difficult” and has only recently become aware of the global support for him, including a plea for his release from Muhammad Ali, Mr. Rezaian’s mother, Mary, said on Thursday.

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Cruz ups pressure over Iran human rights

June 22, 2015,  THE HILL – By Jordain Carney – Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) wants to reduce the State Department’s budget for every 30 days that a report on Iran’s handling of human rights is delayed.

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Report: Child Refugees Face Obstacles in EU, Iran

June 23, 2015 – VOA News – An international rights organization has called on European Union nations to better provide for children from Afghanistan, Syria, and other nations seeking asylum in Europe. Human Rights Watch released a report saying many children who have fled Afghanistan to avoid recruitment by the Taliban or conscription by the Syrian army are traveling alone to refugee centers, where they can be held for weeks while awaiting space in children’s shelters.

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