Archive for Human Rights

Unrecognized Minorities in Iran Must Now Hide Religion to Obtain Crucial Government ID    

New Rule Strengthens Long-Standing Discrimination Against Persecuted Religious Minorities, Especially Bahai’s

January 27, 2020 – In a new rule that severely discriminates against all unrecognized minority religions in Iran, the state-issued National Identity Card—which is required for almost all government and other transactions—will only allow citizens to register as one of the country’s recognized religions.

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23 Rights Organizations Urge UN to Take “Urgent Action” on Iran Protest Deaths

December 16, 2019 — A coalition of international human rights organizations including the Center for Human Rights in Iran has called on the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) to launch an independent inquiry and demand accountability for the Iranian government’s repression of last month’s street protests, which resulted in at least 304 deaths. Among the thousands who were detained since the protests erupted throughout the country in mid-November 2019 are journalists, students, and human rights defenders who are at risk of further violations of due process, which would result in more cases of arbitrary detentions, torture, and other ill-treatment.

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EU Should Lead Calls for UN Commission of Inquiry Into Iran Protest Deaths

Foreign Policy Chief Urges Iran to Hold Perpetrators of Protest Deaths Accountable, Provide Detainees Due Process

December 10, 2019 – The EU should lead calls for the UN to investigate Iranian state forces’ use of lethal means to repress the country’s mid-November 2019 protests which resulted in hundreds of deaths and thousands of arrests, said the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI).

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UN rights chief ‘extremely concerned’ over deadly crackdown on protesters in Iran

Unspalsh/Mohamad Babayan Deyr Gachin Caravansary in Iran. The UN is alarmed over alleged rights violations and deaths resulting from recent protests in the country.

In the wake of recent protests in Iran, the top United Nations human rights official expressed alarm on Friday over multiple human rights violations which have reportedly taken place across the country.

6 December 2019 – UN – She highlighted a continuing lack of transparency concerning casualties, the alleged mistreatment of thousands of detainees and continued arrests reported throughout Iran, after weeks of protests which began over major increases in petrol prices.

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Iranian Government Dictated to Local Media How to Cover Protests, New Documents Reveal

Journalists Will Be Charged with “Crimes” if Coverage Diverges from Official Line

Officials Expected Protests, Dictated Instructions to Media Before Price Hike Was Announced

November 25, 2019—While Iran is still reeling from the recent protests that have left scores injured, more than a hundred dead, and thousands arrested, the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI) has learned that two main government ministries have silenced the domestic media by issuing directives dictating coverage of the unrest, in a blatant violation of freedom of the press. Intelligence ministry officials have also threatened journalists that they will be charged with “crimes” if their reporting of events does not hew to the official narrative of events.

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Six Conservationists Sentenced to Long Prison Terms in Iran After Two Years Behind Bars

Preliminary Sentences Range Between 6 and 10 Years, Two Still Awaiting Ruling

November 20, 2019 – Six of the eight wildlife conservationists who have been detained in Iran since their arrest in January 2018 have been sentenced to prison terms ranging from six to ten years for espionage, a lawyer with knowledge of the cases told the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI). CHRI has confirmed these sentences with several people with direct knowledge of the court announcements.

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UN expert: Iran executes children in violation of rights law

Javaid Rehman

Javaid Rehman

OCT. 23, 2019- The san Diego Union Tribune-UNITED NATIONS- By EDITH M. LEDERERASSOCIATED PRESS – Iran executed seven child offenders last year and two so far this year even though human rights law prohibits the death penalty for anyone under age 18, a U.N. independent human rights expert said Wednesday.

Javaid Rehman also told the U.N. General Assembly’s human rights committee that he has “credible information” there are at least 90 child offenders currently on death row in Iran.

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Children With Disabilities in Iran Denied Access to Inclusive Education

Iran’s Government Should Allow Kids With Disabilities to Be Educated Alongside Their Peers 

The 52-page report “‘Just Like Other Kids’: Lack of Access to Inclusive Quality Education for Children with Disabilities in Iran” documents discrimination and barriers to education in the country’s public school system for most children with disabilities.

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Iran Arrests Activist Masih Alinejad’s Brother Amid Crusade to Silence Citizens Abroad

September 25.2019 – Against a backdrop of an ongoing campaign aimed at silencing foreign-based activists, agents of Iran’s Intelligence Ministry arrested the brother of prominent U.S.-based activist Masih Alinejad, she announced on Twitter.

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Mass Sentencing of Labor Activists, Journalists Prelude to Reign of Repression Under New Judiciary Chief

Seven Sentenced to Lengthy Jail Terms in Connection with Peaceful Protests

September 9, 2019—Less than a year after workers’ rights activists in southwestern Iran publicized evidence that Intelligence Ministry agents had tortured detainees, those same activists and four independent journalists who covered their cases have been sentenced to lengthy prison terms.

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