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Assets of Ayatollah (Part 2)

MARKET MOVER: Khamenei’s image and stock-price displays at the Tehran Stock Exchange in 2010. Setad now owns stakes in companies worth billions of dollars. REUTERS/Stringer

Khamenei’s conglomerate thrived as sanctions squeezed Iran
Part 2: An organization controlled by Iran’s supreme leader generates billions of dollars a year, helping to solidify his control over a country hobbled by sanctions.

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Assets of Ayatollah (Part 1)

SUPREME LEADER: Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

Reuters – Khamenei controls massive financial empire built on property seizures

Part 1: A Reuters investigation details a key to the supreme leader’s power: a little-known organization created to help the poor that morphed into a business juggernaut worth tens of billions of dollars. The 82-year-old Iranian woman keeps the documents that upended her life in an old suitcase near her bed. She removes them carefully and peers at the tiny Persian script.
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Withdraw Cabinet Nominee Implicated in Abuses

Investigate Proposed Justice Minister’s Role in Killings 

(August 8, 2013) – Iran’s new president, Hassan Rouhani, should immediately withdraw his nomination of Mostafa Pour-Mohammadi for the post of justice minister, Reporters Without Borders, the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, and Human Rights Watch said today.

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