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Iran Has Held U.S. Navy Veteran Since July, Family Says

Michael R. White, an American Navy veteran, in an undated photograph.Creditvia Joanne White

Jan. 7, 2019- The New York Times – By Rick Gladstone –Iran has been holding an American Navy veteran in prison on unspecified charges since late July, when he was seized while visiting an Iranian girlfriend, his mother said Monday.

The imprisonment of the veteran, Michael R. White, 46, from Imperial Beach, Calif., could further complicate relations between the United States and Iran. Tension between the countries worsened substantially after President Trump renounced the nuclear accord with Iran last May and reimposed severe sanctions.

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Iran Declares Telegram Crypto Aspirations an Act Against National Security

Jan. 01. 2019 – COINTELEGRAPH – By: Aaron Wood – The Iranian government has taken further steps against Telegram’s cryptocurrency development, the Tehran Times reports Dec. 31.

Secretary of the Criminal Content Definition Task Force Javad Javidnia has declared that any cooperation with the encrypted messaging app to launch its Gram token will be considered an act against national security and a disruption to the national economy. Javidnia stated:

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Iranian mullahs’ lock on power is now shakier than ever

January 1, 2019 – Nwe York Post – By Alireza Nader: A year ago, Iranians poured into their streets to denounce ­Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and call for an end to his brutal ­regime. Protests have continued ­unabated since, though these are smaller in number and less visible to foreign ­media.

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Iran jailed Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe for diplomatic leverage, says Hunt

Foreign secretary decries dual national’s ‘monstrous’ 1,000 days of imprisonment

Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe embraces her daughter Gabriella after her temporary release from prison in August. Photograph: AFP/Getty Images

Fr. 28 Dec. 2018 – Guardien – The foreign secretary, Jeremy Hunt, has accused Iran of using Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, who has been imprisoned for 1,000 days, as a pawn for diplomatic leverage.

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Abbas Edalat: British professor returns to UK after detention in Iran

A British-Iranian academic who was arrested and detained in Iran on security charges has returned to the UK, the Foreign Office has confirmed.

25 December 2018 –BBC- Prof Abbas Edalat, who works at Imperial College London, was detained in Tehran in April.

The Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran said he was released last week.

British-Iranian charity worker Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe remains in prison in Iran, where she has been since 2016.

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Massive cyberhack by Iran allegedly stole research from 320 universities, governments, and companies

Science – By Jon Cohen – Mar. 23, 2018 – Nine Iranians working on behalf of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps hacked the computers of 7998 professors at 320 universities around the world over the past 5 years, an indictment filed by a federal grand jury alleges. The hackers stole 31.5 terabytes of documents and data, including scientific research, journals, and dissertations, the indictment alleges. Their targets also included the United Nations, 30 U.S. companies, and five U.S. government agencies.

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‘Nowruz Pirouz’: Trump challenges Iranian government in Persian new year message

By Dave Boyer – The Washington Times – Monday, March 19, 2018

President Trump delivered a blistering criticism of Iran’s regime Monday in a message marking Nowruz, the Persian new year.

While noting that Iran is historically a proud nation with a strong culture, Mr. Trump said Iranians today are grappling with “rulers who serve themselves instead of serving the people.”

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Iran Continues To Sponsor Terrorism In Face Of Nuclear Accord, State Department Says

IR Iran fans hold up a giant flag during the 2015 Asian Cup match between IR Iran and Bahrain at AAMI Park on January 11, 2015 in Melbourne, Australia. (Photo : Getty Images)

Jun 20, 2015 – HNGN – By Taylor Tyler – Lebanese Hezbollah, Iraqi Shia militant groups, Hamas and Palestine Islamic Jihad were among the groups who continued to receive Iranian backing, according to the report. Even with international talks underway to limit Iran’s nuclear program, Tehran continued to sponsor terrorism groups around the world in 2014, the State Department said in its annual “Country Reports on Terrorism” released Friday.

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Iran backs Taliban with cash and arms

06.12. 2015 – MarketWatch – By Margherita Stancati – KABUL – When Abdullah, a Taliban commander in central Afghanistan, needs more rifles and ammunition, he turns to the same people who pay his $580-a-month salary: his Iranian sponsors.

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Activists and artists hit by new wave of harsh sentencing by Iran judiciary

Mostafa Azizi, a 53-year-old Iranian film-maker, producer and writer has been sentenced to eight years in jail. Photograph: Courtesy of family

06.12.2015 – theguardian – Saeed Kamali Dehghan Iran correspondent – Moderate president, Hassan Rouhani, has failed publically to speak out against sentences given out by Iran’s hardline judges
Iran’s judiciary has unleashed a wave of heavy jail sentences against artists and activists in what appears to be an attempt to send a warning to those who dare to express dissent.

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