Tag Archive for Evin Prison’s Ward 350

Events that took place on April 17 and the following days in Evin Prison

The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the League for the Defence of Human Rights in Iran (LDDHI) would like to draw your attention to the events that occurred recently in Evin Prison, in Tehran.
On April 17, at 9:30, plain-clothed agents, prison guards and officials entered Ward 350 of the Evin Prison for search and inspection. As they had already experienced misconduct of the agents during previous searches (food and personal belongings going missing), some prisoners in Rooms 1 and 3 demanded to be present during this inspection.
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Rouhani’s Silence on Brutal Prison Attack Unacceptable

Authorities’ Denials Contradicted by Multiple Eyewitness Reports – April 22, 2014– A week after a violent raid by prison officials at Iran’s notorious Evin Prison led to the beating, injury, and solitary confinement of many political prisoners, Iranian Judiciary officials continue to deny any use of violence while vivid testimonies from the families of the prisoners indicate otherwise.

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