Tag Archive for executions

Hunger Strikes Across Iran’s Prisons Protest “State Murder as a Means of Repression”

Black Tuesday Campaign by Prisoners Builds in Desperate Effort to Halt Surging Executions
Lawyers in Iran Note Growing Pressure on Prisoners Who Join Hunger Strike

April 23, 2024 – As executions in the Islamic Republic mount to numbers not seen in many years, a growing number of prisoners across Iran have resorted to hunger strikes in a desperate effort to draw attention to the use of “state murder…as a means of repression and intimidation.”

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Iran executes 3 men over violence during last year’s anti-government protests

May 19, 2023-abc News-By The Associated Press- Iran has executed three men accused of deadly violence during last year’s anti-government protests despite objections from human rights groups.

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HRW World Report 2017 “Iran”: Halt Imminent Executions

JANUARY 13, 2017 – Human Rights Watch – (Beirut) – Iran should immediately halt the execution of 12 men convicted of drug offenses, scheduled for January 14, 2017, in Karaj Central Prison, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International said today. The human rights organizations expressed concern that, despite repeated government promises, Iran has not made any tangible progress in reducing its alarming execution rate.

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Iran: Open letter to UN human rights experts to intervene against ongoing juvenile executions

17 May 2016 -FIDH- Paris-Geneva, The death sentence imposed on Mr. Tajiki is primarily based on a “confession” extracted from him under torture during his initial detention in solitary confinement, even though he retracted this “confession” during his trial, stating that he had been tortured and proclaiming his innocence. Throughout his detention and trial, Mr. Tajiki was denied due process, including being denied access to a lawyer during the investigation period.

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Iran: UN rights chief calls for end to executions for drug offences

Heroin seizures in Iran. Photo: UNODC

14.04.2016 – UN News Centre- The United Nations human rights chief today appealed to Iran to halt executions for drug offences until the new Parliament debates a proposed law that would remove the mandatory death penalty for drug crimes.

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Amnesty: Iran Has Executed 40 People So Far This Year

Amnesty International alarmed at reported spike in executions, mostly for alleged drug offenses – TIME – By Andrew Katz Jan. 16, 2014 – Iran has carried out 40 executions since the start of 2014, according to Amnesty International, with at least 33 taking place in the last week.

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Iran Should Halt Executions as Rate of Hangings Accelerates “125 People Executed Since Rouhani Took Office”

(October 8, 2013) – The Iranian authorities should impose an immediate moratorium on executions in Iran given the alarming rise in the use of the death penalty in recent weeks, the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran and the Iran Human Rights Documentation Center said today.

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