Tag Archive for mahsa amini

Secret document says Iran security forces molested and killed teen protester

Nika was just 16 years old when she disappeared during protests against Iran’s strict dress code for women

2024-04-30-BBC- By Bertram Hill, Aida Miller and Michael Simkin,BBC Eye Investigations An Iranian teenager was sexually assaulted and killed by three men working for Iran’s security forces, a leaked document understood to have been written by those forces says.

It has let us map what happened to 16-year-old Nika Shakarami who vanished from an anti-regime protest in 2022. Her body was found nine days later. The government claimed she killed herself.

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Iranian Government Targeting Disability Rights Advocates

Nasser Saragaran

In Separate Case, Lawyer Representing Mahsa Jina Amini Sentenced to a Year in Prison

October 18, 2023 – A prominent and blind disability rights lawyer from Saqqez, the hometown of Mahsa Jina Amini, whose killing in Iranian state custody sparked months of anti-state protests, has gone missing after being unlawfully detained by Iranian state security forces, the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI) has learned.

“This is another example of the intensifying practice in the Islamic Republic of Iran of detaining and imprisoning individuals without due process, and then persecuting the lawyers who try to access justice and address these egregious rights violations,” said Hadi Ghaemi, CHRI executive director.

“The lawyer Nasser Saragaran was detained in Iran because of the remarkable power of his voice,” Ghaemi added. “If he does not receive international calls for his release, the disability rights communities in Iran will endure a terrible loss.”

“Silence would also green-light the unlawful detainment of other disability rights advocates in Iran,” said Ghaemi.

CHRI emphasizes that given Sargaran’s visual impairment, he is particularly susceptible to potential mistreatment and abuse by Iranian authorities. He must be granted complete access to legal representation of his choice and ensured the ability to fully access all relevant documents.

Lawyer Arrested Amid State Campaign to Silence Disability Rights Group

Sargaran, 36, a university lecturer and advocate for the rights of people with disabilities, was unlawfully detained at his family home in the city of Saqqez, Kurdistan province, on October 11, 2023, by agents of the Ministry of Intelligence. He was then transferred to the ministry’s detention center in the provincial capital, Sanandaj. It should be noted that he was arrested at his home without the presentation of a warrant.

Sargaran, an ethnic Kurd, is widely recognized in Saqqez as a prominent lawyer who has represented numerous detainees in connection with last year’s protests. Aged 36, he was blinded by a leftover landmine from the Iran-Iraq War and is known as a powerful voice for landmine victims in his community.

He has also been a fervent advocate for the rights of people with disabilities, actively contributing as a board member of the Institute for the Welfare of the Blind in Saqqez.

In recent weeks, there has been a notable surge in security and judicial pressures on activists advocating for the rights of people with disabilities in Iran. This has been especially the case regarding the Campaign to Pursue the Rights of People with Disabilities, a grassroots organization based in Tehran. Founded in 2007, the group champions the rights of individuals with disabilities, and Sargaran engaged with it to continue his work.

Two prominent activists, Behrouz Morovati, the national director of the Campaign to Pursue the Rights of People With Disabilities in Tehran, and Leila Mirkhoshhal, the group’s online administrator in the city of Qazvin, were summoned by the Ministry of Intelligence on October 11, the same day Sargaran was unlawfully detained. Information received by CHRI indicates that intelligence agents seized some of Morovati’s personal items, including a mobile phone.

The group, in a series of tweets, connected these summons to state investigations concerning an online school for people with disabilities. The Iranian government has a documented history of using scare tactics, as well as unlawful detainments and prosecutions on trumped-up charges, to silence advocacy groups that criticize state policies.

Lawyer of Mahsa Jina Amini Sentenced to a Year in Prison

In another case of a human rights lawyer being unjustly persecuted to silence his work, Saleh Nikbakht, who represented the family of a Mahsa Jina Amini, the 22-year-old who was killed in Iranian state custody in September 2022, just three days after she was arrested for her alleged inappropriate hijab, was sentenced to one year in prison. Amini’s death sparked months of anti-state protests that eventually culminated into the “Woman, Life, Freedom” movement.

Nibakht was sentenced to prison for speaking about the case in general terms with journalists.

“Unfortunately, the court, without considering the defense presented by me and my client, sentenced him to the maximum penalty for [‘propaganda against the state’]… As a person knowledgeable in law, I emphasize that there is not a single sentence in [Saleh Nikbakht’s] interviews that would constitute ‘propaganda against the state,'” said his lawyer, Ali Rezaie, in an interview with Ensaf News.

“This conviction has been issued due to unlawful interpretations of the interviews,” he added.

Nibakht has not spoken about the sentence, which is eligible for appeal. As of this writing, he remained at home.

“It isn’t suprising that Nibakht was sentenced to prison, given that journalists who reported on Amini’s case have been jailed for more than year now simply for reporting facts about the case,” said Ghaemi.

“The international legal community must speak out more forcefully against the Iranian government’s decades-long crusade to eliminate independent lawyers in Iran,” he added. “Bar associations, international human rights lawyers, and rights organizations should all speak up for their besieged colleagues in the Islamic Republic.”

Iran: School Girls Continue to Face Chemical Attacks, Officials Refuse to Provide Security

Authorities Threaten Students, Families and Teachers While Refusing to Provide Transparent Investigations

School Girls and Staff Describe Being Forced to Stay in Affected Buildings While Authorities Dismiss Concerns

April 24, 2023 – Five months after the first report of a chemical attack on a girls’ school in Iran, students across the country are continuing to report chemical odors in their classrooms and symptoms associated with chemical inhalation, including respiratory and gastrointestinal problems, fainting, and eye irritation.

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Iran Protests: More Doctors Treating Protesters Killed, Tortured and Detained

Global Medical Community Must Speak Out Against Severe Violation of International Law

February 10, 2023 — An increasing number of doctors and medical workers continue to be arrested, detained, tortured and killed by Islamic Republic forces for treating wounded protesters, in direct violation of international law that requires the protection of medical personnel as they carry out their duty to provide care to any individual in need.

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Second known protest-related execution carried out in Iran

Mon December 12, 2022 – CNN, By Teele Rebane and Artemis Moshtaghian
Iran has executed a second man allegedly involved in the nationwide anti-government protest movement after he was convicted of fatally stabbing two security officials last month, Mizan Online, a news agency affiliated with Iran’s judiciary, and the semi-official Tasmin news agency reported on Monday.

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Secret Report Reveals Khamenei’s Pessimism Over Iran Protests

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei

Wednesday, 11.30.2022- Author: Maryam Sinaee – A secret report by IRGC’s media arm quotes Iran’s Supreme Leader as saying protests will not end soon and criticizing failures in “media war” against protesters.

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World Cup 2022: Man killed in Iran celebrating football team’s loss – report

Activists say Mehran Samak was shot by security forces after he honked a car horn as a sign of protest

2022-11-30-BBC News- By David Gritten- A man is reported to have been killed by security forces in northern Iran, as anti-government protesters publicly celebrated the national football team’s elimination from the World Cup.

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Rapper faces death penalty for ‘corruption on earth’ charge over Iran protests

People hold placards depicting Iranian rapper Toomaj Salehi, who was arrested in Iran, and children who were killed during the Iranian protests, during a rally in Istanbul in support of Iranian women on Nov. 26. (Yasin Akgul/AFP/Getty Images)

November 30, 2022 – The Washington Post- By Victoria Bisset- Toomaj Salehi is no stranger to controversy. Last year, the Iranian rapper was arrested for songs criticizing the government and denouncing those he described as apologists for the Iranian government abroad.

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As Iran’s clerics face a “turban tossing” trend, army warns it’s ready to quash protests

Images from a video posted to Twitter in early November 2022 show a man knocking the turban off the head of an Islamic cleric, part of a trend of protesters “turban tossing” to show their support for anti-government protests sweeping Iran.

November 10, 2022- CBS News- By Khaled Wassef, Tucker Reals- As Iran’s military warns it is prepared to step in and quash a wave of anti-government protests, a new trend has emerged in Iran aimed squarely at embarrassing and belittling the Islamic republic’s ruling elite. Videos showing young protesters running past and knocking the turbans off the heads of unsuspecting Islamic clerics in public have swept across the internet in recent weeks.

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To the murderous regime that oppresses Iran, hear this: at home or abroad, we will never surrender

2022-11-10- The Guardian-by Golriz Ghahraman- Casting so many Iranians into exile is one of the worst acts of these terrorists masquerading as leaders. But it could also be their downfall

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