Islamische Sittenpolizei überfährt Frau

09.05.2017 -Bild – von: ANTJE SCHIPPMANN:  Die Frau steigt aus dem Polizeiwagen und will die Straße überqueren, da tritt der Fahrer aufs Gaspedal … 

Ein schockierendes Video zeigt den brutalen Tugendterror der „Sittenpolizei“ in der Islamischen Republik Iran. Ein anonymer Nutzer hat es der Frauenrechts-Plattform „My Stealthy Freedom“ zugesendet.

Die Frau versucht offenbar, ihre Papiere zurück zu bekommen, nachdem sie vermutlich wegen ihres locker sitzenden Kopftuchs angehalten wurde, vermutet Masih Alinejad, die Gründerin der Frauenrechts-Plattform, gegenüber BILD.

Man sieht die Frau gestikulieren, bevor der Einsatzwagen der Tugendpolizei sie einfach überrollt.

Tausende „Sittenpolizisten“ patrouillieren täglich auf den Straßen Teherans, belästigen und belangen Frauen wegen schlecht sitzender Kopftücher oder „unislamischer Kleidung“. 


Standing up to morality police van

When morality police took her documents, she stood in their way… see what happened next This harrowing incident was filmed in the streets of Tehran. The woman in this video had been stopped by the morality police as she was trying to get back her documents, which were confiscated presumably due to her lack of observance of the compulsory veil while driving. She resisted them by risking her life. How many other Iranian women have experienced similar ordeals whereby their cars were impounded because they were not wearing the veil while driving? Or fined? Does anyone have more information on this?A female university student sent the following note to My Stealthy Freedom: “My car was impounded in the street due to my veil. They confiscated my student card and told me that they would not give it back. They threatened me by telling me that either I had to get into their car or, if not, I would have to go to the police station to pick up my student card. I responded to them, ‘The card you are holding is a photocopied version; you can keep it all you want! I don’t need it and I don’t really care whether you confiscate it or not!’. I just walked away after uttering those words because they can go to hell”. #NoMoreMoralityPoliceپليس مدارك اين زن را از او مي گيرد وقتي هم مقاومت مي كند براي پس گرفتن مداركش اين اتفاق مي افتد. . چند نَفَر از زنان ايران تجربه مشابه دارند كه ماشين شان به جرم رانندگي بدون حجاب متوقف شد؟ توقيف شد يا جريمه دريافت كردند؟ كسي اطلاعات بيشتري در اين مورد دارد؟

Posted by ‎My Stealthy Freedom آزادی یواشکی زنان در ایران‎ on Samstag, 6. Mai 2017

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